Chance the Chimp

Discover What Chance the Chimp Knows About Fresh Breath

Chance the Chimp at PlayWhy Clean Your Tongue?

As a superstar (you may have seen him in The Wolf of Wall Street alongside Leonardo DiCaprio), Chance knows how important it is to have fresh breath when you’re up close and personal.

Did you know…

  • 90% of odor-causing bacteria in your mouth reside on your tongue?
  • brushing your teeth doesn’t get rid of that nasty-smelling stuff?
  • most mouthwashes simply cover the odor, and can even make matters worse?


Chance the Chimp holding a TUNG Brush

Your Tongue is the Perfect Breeding Ground for Bacteria

Because of the warm, moist conditions and the deep crevices, your tongue is the perfect place for bacteria to thrive! They feed on the tiny food particles, grow, and multiply right there in “biofilms” on the surface of your tongue.

This is precisely why we invented the original tongue brush more than 15 years ago!

Together with our minty-fresh TUNG Gel, which neutralizes the gas emitted by that bacteria, this is the most effective tongue cleaning system in the world.

The TUNG Brush & Gel tongue cleaning system is more effective than:

  • mouthwash
  • tongue scrapers
  • your toothbrush

Get Started Today

It only takes 10 seconds for you to experience a clean tongue and fresher breath than you’ve ever known! Try it for 7 days and we guarantee you’ll be a believer!


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See What Other Celebrities (and Others!) Have to Say…



“I love the TUNG brush — since I purchased mine, I’ve used it every day — WHAT A DIFFERENCE — AMAZING!! But it’s not just the TUNG brush that’s so great — the gel is fantastic. The taste is great – fresh, clean — not pasty like toothpaste — but SO refreshing. I love my TUNG brush and gel!!”

-keys88 on


Find Out Why Hundreds of Reviewers on Have Given TUNG Brush & Gel 5-star Ratings!


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