Yay! You made it through the Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities, including fun, frolic, family and FOOD. As you approach the end of the year, you realize that maybe you put on a few extra pounds last year, or maybe you sat on the couch too much instead of going for that evening walk.

Or maybe you watched too many reruns of your favorite show on TV instead of picking up that book you have been meaning to read since you got it last Christmas! So, if you are like most of us, you write down a few resolutions that you just KNOW this time you will keep for the coming year.

STOP! Don’t do it! Statistics show that only 8% of the people who make New Year’s resolutions are successful in achieving their goals. Pretty depressing, huh? Oh sure, 75% of us keep those resolutions the first week after we make them. But as time goes on, the success rate drops exponentially. How many gym memberships are bought the first week of each New Year? And how many go unused after the first three weeks? Come on, you know it’s true!

So, what are you going to do? MAKE A CHOICE! If you have the confidence in your ability to achieve results, you will do so by making a choice to change your lifestyle, not set a goal that will, more than likely, result in failure.

Maybe you see that as a fine distinction…after all, what is the difference between setting a goal to lose 25 pounds and changing your diet? By changing your diet, you may or may not lose 25 pounds, but you will set yourself up for success. Is the goal as important as the modification that might get you there?

Because think about it – if you don’t lose that 25 pounds, but you lose 20, or 15 and you have modified your lifestyle, the rest will surely follow. If you set the goal to lose 25 and you don’t, you will consider yourself a failure.  If you turn off the TV and have a conversation instead of picking up that book, it will be a step in the right direction.

As the year ends and you think about 2016, promise yourself that you will achieve the confidence to succeed.  If THAT is your resolution, the promise to make choices all year long and not just for the first couple of weeks of the new year, you will see a difference over the entire year.

The TUNG Brush and Gel team wishes you a very happy and healthy New Year, filled with good choices and tons of self-confidence. We know you can do it!