The holidays are upon us! That means not only the celebration of joy, reflection on the past year, anticipation of the new year and time well-spent with family and friend but also….FOOD! And, usually, lots of it.

From attending holiday parties to receiving baked gifts, from chocolate Santas to fruitcakes, egg nog and the festive hams or lasagnas, this is the time of year we all tend to eat more. For some of us, it is also the time of year to regret eating more as we worry about putting on the pounds and then taking them off after January 1.

The TUNG Brush and Gel team join you in that worry – So, how can we enjoy the food, have fun but avoid the huge weight gain? Here are a few tips that might just help:

  1. Think about what you are doing – when you are snacking while you are working, reading, or watching a movie at home, you aren’t usually as aware of what you are eating as you should be. If you eat more mindfully, you will take in fewer empty (and usually unenjoyable) calories!
  2. Eat fewer meals – this may seem contrary to the normal “diet” plan, where it is often recommended that to keep your appetite satisfied more, but smaller, meals are good each day. This time of year, if you know you are headed to a family feast, have a good breakfast and satisfying lunch…then hold off until dinner. Try to snack less those days, too!
  3. Manage your food intake – that just means eat less the day after that family feast! It will be way easier to lose a couple of pounds if you watch your intake the days you aren’t celebrating than having the “oh the heck with it – I’ll lose it all after the holidays” attitude!
  4. Stop stressing about your weight so much! – many of us worry more than we actually gain during the holidays. Most people don’t gain that inordinate amount of weight unless they go completely crazy with food, and the normal holiday intake isn’t usually so much that it isn’t reversible quickly.

 So, what’s the bottom line? Have fun, be smart and eat well. It IS, after all, not only the most joyous time of year but also the most delicious!!!