Can you feel it? Love is in the air! February 14th is Valentines’ Day, and just in case you forgot, every store imaginable started to put out the hearts, candies, stuffed animals and greeting cards pretty much the day after Christmas! The ads are rampant on TV touting jewelry and flowers as the ultimate gifts, and there are even some car companies that tell the ladies that the best way to show their men they love them is to get them that new car they want.

What happened to romance?

All of that is fine, and a box of chocolates and gorgeous flowers are wonderful ways to celebrate the day, but how about using some imagination and creativity to show your true love that romance is alive, and you are truly appreciative of him or her? Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices going but first, don’t forget that chocolate and kisses all taste much better with a clean tongue, so be sure to use your TUNG Brush and Gel regardless of your choice of celebration.

Going out can be fun!

  1. Go dancing. Not very original? Well, we don’t mean going out to your favorite club (although that would be fun too) – we mean go to a dancing class! Whether it’s the waltz, the samba, or the Argentine Tango, dancing TOGETHER, cheek-to-cheek, is very romantic!
  1. Go ice-skating. Even if you aren’t good at it, actually, especially if you aren’t good at it, it’s a wonderful way to hold hands and laugh – and maybe even fall down together. And the hot chocolate afterwards is sure to bring a romantic smile to anyone’s face!
  1. Recreate your first date. If you can, head back to where it all began – try to remember what you wore, what you ate and…how you convinced her or him to see you that second time!
  1. “Get a Room!”. Literally – book a night at a local hotel, complete with room service. What better way to wake up, knowing that you or your mate won’t have to make the bed up…or breakfast for that matter.

Staying home can be fun, too!

  1. Movie and dinner anyone? How about renting an old movie and making dinner that goes along with the story? Casablanca? How about a Moroccan meal? An American in Paris? Crepes would be lovely. And, of course, for Roman Holiday, nothing is better than a wonderful pasta dinner!
  1. Spa night with candlelight. No further explanation needed 😉
  1. Scavenger Hunts aren’t just for kids. This one takes a bit of preparation, but how about hiding clues and prizes for your loved one to find and enjoy?
  1. Poetry is lovely when read aloud. Whether you head to the library or book store to get your favorite book of love poems, or whether you are brave enough to write your own, nothing is more romantic than sitting with your partner (if you have a fireplace, even better) and reading love poems to him or her. A glass of your favorite wine, candlelight and soft romantic music will complete the mood.

Last but not least!

In these days of texting, messaging and posting on social media, how about just sitting down and writing your loved one a letter – a real letter, with a real pen on real stationery (even scented would be nice) to tell him or her why he or she is your Valentine, not just on February 14th, but every day of the year. That’s the best gift you can give.

With chocolates, of course 😊