Did you ever walk through the oral hygiene aisle at the drug store and wonder why there are so many different types and brands of toothpaste? Needless to say, the manufacturers of this universally sold product know that virtually everyone needs it on a daily basis, but why so many choices? Paste or gel? Solid or striped? Whitening or plain? Expensive or economical? How do you choose?

Be an educated consumer

First and foremost, check with your dentist about any recommendations he or she might make for your specific needs. You may need something that addresses gum issues, for example. Does the product carry the approval seal of the American Dental Association? Remember, participation in the rating of products is voluntary, so not having an ADA approval rating is not necessarily a bad thing, and some good products might not be ADA approved…just another thing to consider if that sort of thing is important to you.

Read the label

Is the toothpaste you are considering good for adults but not children? Are there a lot of added flavors, sweeteners and/or chemicals? If so, and if you think you might react to one of the ingredients, you might want to consider a natural toothpaste. Again, however, discuss this with your dentist since many natural toothpastes do not contain fluoride and see how your dentist feels about this…there are varying opinions about fluoride use in both adults and children, so be sure to discuss this with your professional provider.  Certainly you should try to avoid very heavily sweetened toothpastes since the sweetening agents can hurt you more than they help, even if they taste good 😊

Specialty toothpastes

  • Baking Soda: Some users with sensitive or cavity-prone teeth like toothpastes that use baking soda as the primary cleansing agent. Baking soda can be much less abrasive than some other products and is used to clean and deodorize because it absorbs odors and neutralizes some common acids that can be deleterious to your oral health.
  • Whitening: While most whitening toothpastes are safe and effective in helping your pearly whites shine, sometimes they can contain a chemical agent that might be irritating if you have particularly sensitive teeth and your dentist may recommend a gentler alternative for you.

A final note

Remember that toothpaste is just one component in your oral hygiene regimen. In additional to cleaning your tongue daily with your TUNG Brush and Gel, be sure to discuss any additional practices with your dentist to be sure that you maintain great oral health!

What to Look for in a Toothpaste