It’s Time for Fall!

Fall is here! For many, this is their favorite time of year. Time to see the leaves turn color, time to dig out your favorite sweater and time to turn off the air conditioners, open the windows, and breathe some fresh air! Of course, the first sign of fall, other than...

How to Eat “Clean” for Lunch

In our continuing effort to provide our readers with healthy options, we have loved providing you with recipes for “clean” breakfasts and snacks. Despite our plea to start each day with a good breakfast, we know the reality is that a lot of you skip that all-important...

Eating Clean Snack Ideas

It’s 10:00 in the morning, and you have been at work or school for two hours and you get that “I can’t wait for lunch” stomach rumble. You look in your drawer and see an old bag of potato chips and think to yourself, “there must be a better way”…and there IS!...

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

HEALTHY foods, HEALTHY exercise, HEALTHY habits! That is our mission here at TUNG Brush and Gel. We love it when our readers and customers eat their veggies, walk instead of drive, and keep their tongues clean! But hey, we have to be real, too. A healthy lifestyle...