Easy Ways to Exercise at Work

Last week, we gave you some tips for stretching out your weary and desk-bound bodies. We know that since then, you have all been practicing these simple warm ups, so, as the great chef Emeril would say, “Let’s kick it up a notch”! How about doing some exercises right...

Stretches You Can Do at Work

Imagine not moving any muscles other than your hands and your eyes for hours on end. “Why should I do that?”  you ask. Because if you are like many of us, you are at a desk as many as 8 hours or more every day and, if you didn’t already know it, the sedentary...

Meditation for Beginners

Good morning! You just woke up and you brush your teeth, clean your tongue with your TUNG Brush and Gel and you put on your shorts and running shoes for a morning jog. Or, perhaps it is after work and you head to the gym for a great workout to relieve the stress of...