On May 15, Muslims across the world will begin the observance of Ramadan, a month-long time of fasting, abstinence and reflection that commemorates when Muhammed first received the Qur’an.

Whether for religious reasons or not, fasting is used to detoxify and purify the body, ridding it of built-up waste. Unfortunately, fasting can have a few unpleasant side affects – mostly for the people around you.

Sure, you’ll feel hungry for the first couple of days, as your body adjusts. Some people also get headaches and muscle pains from the your metabolism shifting. And you should always remember to drink plenty of water. But even people who intermittently fast (10-20 hours a day) will soon discover that a significant side effect is really bad breath.

How Do I Get Bad Breath From NOT Eating?

That’s because your body has natural biological regulating systems. So when you slow down your consumption of food and drink, your mouth automatically reduces the production of saliva. And while this may not affect you for a couple of hours, a prolonged time with no saliva means more bacteria.

Your teeth, believe it or not, are an excellent breeding ground for a variety of bacteria. Thankfully, the antibacterial enzymes in your saliva keep the mouth in balance. Those proteins work around the clock to kill off a lot of that bacteria, and wash it away. Of course, whatever isn’t washed away often lingers on your tongue.

So when saliva production slows down because you’re not eating, more bacteria quickly builds up and the bacteria that is killed off lingers even longer on your tongue. Which leads to a stinky situation when you open your mouth.

Yes, Worse Than ‘Coffee Breath’

All the more reason to remember to brush your tongue twice daily with TUNG Brush and Gel. Nothing gets rid of the bacteria better, and just 10 seconds twice a day keeps your mouth feeling fresh. That way the whole family can enjoy the celebration of Ramadan without wrinkling their noses for a month!