Can I Wear a Suit without a Tie?

OK, guys, it’s summertime. That means shorts, sandals, T-shirts and sunglasses, right? Well, not all the time. For many of you out there, you still need to wear a suit, whether it is for work, a night out, or a special occasion. But it’s HOT out, and you are wondering...

Spring Clean Your Life and Mind!

Did you know that spring actually began back on March 20th? Hard to believe, isn’t it? What with winter-like storms and frigid temperatures, alternating with sunny and warm days, this has been one crazy first month of the season! Birds and trees are confused, first...

Is This Gum Disease?

Did you ever brush your teeth in the morning and your gums started to bleed? Or maybe your gums are just sore? Well, while it is possible that you just irritated your gums with a piece of food (you know, those popcorn kernels are the worst!), it is also possible that...